
batch update

Ok, so i did say i was going to post the relevant files that enabled my model to run in batch mode.
I've just come back to this after a few months and have had to re-learn how to do batch runs, so... heres the relevant information:

Batch mode depends mainly on 2 files
1. batch_params.xml - located within the batch folder
2. parameters.xml - located within the JaguarMovementValidation.rs folder

The parameters file must include those parameters that have been set as requiring user input in the ContextCreator file
Batch_params.xml must then include reference to any parameters that are included within the parameters.xml file

Batch mode does not seem to work properly if you try to by-pass these parameters. For instance, I just want to do multiple runs with the same parameters and tried to by-pass the numberOfJaguars parameter by keeping it the same and removing the end and step variables. Batch mode then reports an error and won't run.

For a simple test of running a single simulation, but increasing the jaguar numbers from 50 to 300 in steps of 50, the batch_params.xml file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<sweep runs="10">
<parameter name = "NumberOfJaguars" type="number" start="50" end="300" step="50">

when viewed from the Repast GUI it looks like this:

The parameters.xml file, when viewed within the Repast GUI looks like this:

What I now want is to simply run my simulation 30 times using the same parameters.. I do this by removing the parameters from the ContextCreator file and removing all links to this parameter from both the parameters.xml file and the batch.xml file.

This works, but I'm now having the problem that the output is being generated once per tick for the first 50 ticks only, whereas I want the output once at the final tick count of 5000 (or 2000, depending on my criteria).... shall update once I have this issue resolved.

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