
Repast demo and tutorial

I have gotten to the point in the current version of my model where sending a both run of simulations of to IRIDIS the southampton uni supercomputer is becoming more and ore necessary. I'm struggling to get a run of 20 years in my simulation at the moment to check for stability of population and territories etc and its taking ages.
One run, depending on the number of agents and amount of reproduction (hence new agents), can take anywhere from half an hour to about 2 hours. I'm also having problems with memory where the simulation breakdown at that start of a new run due to being out of memory. Am currently trying to fix this problem.

Anyway, on my way to discovering if its possible to export a repast batch and pass it to IRIDIS I have come across a nice Repast demo that I wish had been around two years ago when I was starting to think about potential agent based simulation software and 18 months ago when i was struggling with my first attempts with repast.

Demo is based on a population of 'bugs' that move around and eat food from the landscape. Coincidentally amazingly relevant to my own model. I might try the demo and see if I can steal any ideas for better coding/construction of the model/GUI.

Demo can be found here: http://code.google.com/p/repast-demos/wiki/StupidModel
and an output of the GUI:

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