
Final thoughts on Netlogo model

I was really happy with how things turned out with my first foray into agent-based modelling.

My friend Melissa first got me interested in Netlogo and I have to say it was a perfect choice for a short-term relatively simplified and low-level model. I avoided the necessity of having to learn a new programming language as I found the netlogo language easy, intuitive and quick to pick up.

I would recommend anyone new to programming or agent-based modelling to start with something like Netlogo to break yourself in gently.

Some negatives, however, obviously I am no expert at netlogo modelling, but my first experience left me feeling that the scope of the language was limited and that if I wanted to explore some more complicated and detailed modelling options then I would need to progress to a language that allowed me more freedom. The level of automatic generation of output and ready-made agents and patches makes netlogo an ideal starting point, but not necessarily an ideal language to really start exploring what agent-based modelling can do.

next post: java

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