breed [randomH] ;; create two breeds of turtle to compare random walks vs the 'real' hedghogs in any landscape
breed [hedgehog]
breed [arable]
breed [ pasture]
breed [ garden]
breed [ wood]
breed [ water]
breed [ urban]
breed [ road]
turtles-own [energy Harable Hpasture Hwood Hgarden Hwater Hurban Hroad] ;;energy relates to the cost of the path taken by the hedgehogs
patches-own [habitat cost visit] ;; habitat assigns a land-cover type to each patch colour
;;includes the cost of the habitat as a patch feature - allowing hedgehogs to search for low cost patches
globals [timestep time hour]
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; setup patches and turtles ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
to setup
set time 0
set hour 0
set timestep 1
to setup-turtles ;; creates 10 of each breed, assigning the paw footprint for an icon. create-randomH Number-of-Random-Hedgehogs-red ;; the random hedgehogs are red, the 'real' are white. create-hedgehog Number-of-Non-Random-Hedgehogs-white
ask turtles [set shape "hedgehog paw"] ;;this is the footprint other renamed to hedgehog - the closest icon resembling a hedgehog! ask turtles [
if breed = randomH [set color red]
if breed = hedgehog [set color white] ;;need to find a colour that shows on map and on the plot ]
ask turtles [setxy random-xcor random-ycor] ;; sets the newly created turtles at random locations on the map end
to setup-patches
ask turtles [repeat 100 [expand-habitats] ] ;; proportions are supposed to be approx pasture/arable - 30%, garden/urban - 10%, wood - 13%, roads - 5%, water - 2% ask patches [
ifelse show-cellcosts? [
set plabel cost] [
set plabel ""]
ifelse show-habitat? [
set plabel habitat] [
set plabel ""]
ask patches [set visit 5]
ask patches [
if pcolor = yellow [set cost 150 set habitat "arable"]
if pcolor = green [set cost 10 set habitat "pasture"]
if pcolor = brown [set cost 1 set habitat "wood"]
if pcolor = lime [set cost 5 set habitat "garden"]
if pcolor = grey [set cost 15 set habitat "urban"]
if pcolor = blue [set cost 300 set habitat "water"]
if pcolor = black + 2 [set cost 150 set habitat "road"]
ask patches [
if random 100 <= fragmentation-of-habitats
[swap self one-of patches]
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; go statement ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
to go ;;need to include all procedures here if they are required to run during the model run
set time time + 1
set hour (time * timestep)
if hour mod 24 >= 6 and hour mod 24 < 18 [
ifelse day-and-night-mode? [
repeat 10 [move-hedgehog-day]][
if hour mod 24 >= 18 or hour mod 24 < 6 [
ifelse day-and-night-mode? [
repeat 10 [move-hedgehog-night]][ ;; this increments tick counter by one everytime the model completes a single turn of each procedure
if days = Number-of-days [stop] ;; allows output to run faster as it updates after every tick onlyend
;;;;;;;;;;; do reports on interface for length of time passed in the model ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
to-report days
report hour / 24
to-report hours
report hour - (floor days * 24)
;;;;;;;;;;;;;; defines how to create the landscape ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
to colour-turtles ;; creates 7 turtles, one for each of the habitats
create-arable 1
create-pasture 1
create-wood 1
create-garden 1
create-water 1
create-urban 1
create-road 1
ask turtles [
set Harable 312
set Hpasture 313
set Hwood 173
set Hgarden 107
set Hwater 19
set Hurban 107
set Hroad 51]
ask turtles [
if breed = arable [set color yellow]
if breed = pasture [set color green]
if breed = wood [set color brown]
if breed = garden [set color lime]
if breed = water [set color blue]
if breed = urban [set color grey]
if breed = road [set color black + 2]
ask turtles [
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
move-to patch-here
set pcolor color] ;; puts turtles in a random place in landscape and sets patch color to turtle colourend
to expand-habitats
ifelse (Harable = 0) and (Hpasture = 0) and (Hwood = 0) and (Hgarden = 0) and (Hwater = 0) and (Hurban = 0) and (Hroad = 0) [stop] [
;;;;;;;;;;;;;functions for 'building' habitats from scratch ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; one run of each function only creates 8 cells. The functions need to be repeated in order to create the appropriate number of cellsto expand-habitatarable
ask arable [
if all? patches [pcolor != black] [stop]
if Harable = 0 [stop]
ifelse all? neighbors [pcolor != black]
[move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = black]
set pcolor color
[ifelse all? neighbors4 [pcolor != black] [
move-to one-of neighbors with [pcolor = black]
set pcolor color
move-to one-of neighbors4 with [pcolor = black]
set pcolor color
to expand-habitatpasture
ask pasture [
if all? patches [pcolor != black] [stop]
if Hpasture = 0 [stop]
ifelse all? neighbors [pcolor != black]
[move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = black]
set pcolor color
[ifelse all? neighbors4 [pcolor != black] [
move-to one-of neighbors with [pcolor = black]
set pcolor color
move-to one-of neighbors4 with [pcolor = black]
set pcolor color
to expand-habitatwood
ask wood [
if all? patches [pcolor != black] [stop]
if Hwood = 0 [stop]
ifelse all? neighbors [pcolor != black]
[move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = black]
set pcolor color
[ifelse all? neighbors4 [pcolor != black] [
move-to one-of neighbors with [pcolor = black]
set pcolor color
move-to one-of neighbors4 with [pcolor = black]
set pcolor color
to expand-habitatgarden
ask garden [
if all? patches [pcolor != black] [stop]
if Hgarden = 0 [stop]
ifelse all? neighbors [pcolor != black]
[move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = black]
set pcolor color
[ifelse all? neighbors4 [pcolor != black] [
move-to one-of neighbors with [pcolor = black]
set pcolor color
move-to one-of neighbors4 with [pcolor = black]
set pcolor color
to expand-habitatwater
ask water [
if Hwater = 0 [stop]
if all? patches [pcolor != black] [stop]
ifelse all? neighbors [pcolor != black]
[move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = black]
set pcolor color
[ifelse all? neighbors4 [pcolor != black] [
move-to one-of neighbors with [pcolor = black]
set pcolor color
move-to one-of neighbors4 with [pcolor = black]
set pcolor color
to expand-habitaturban
ask urban [
if all? patches [pcolor != black] [stop]
if Hurban = 0 [stop]
ifelse all? neighbors [pcolor != black]
[move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = black]
set pcolor color
[ifelse all? neighbors4 [pcolor != black] [
move-to one-of neighbors with [pcolor = black]
set pcolor color
move-to one-of neighbors4 with [pcolor = black]
set pcolor color
to expand-habitatroad
ask road [
if all? patches [pcolor != black] [stop]
if Hroad = 0 [stop]
ifelse all? neighbors [pcolor != black]
[move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = black]
set pcolor color
[ifelse all? neighbors4 [pcolor != black] [
move-to one-of neighbors with [pcolor = black]
set pcolor color
move-to one-of neighbors4 with [pcolor = black]
set pcolor color
;;;; function to reduce number of habitat cells by one each time a new cell is created ;;;;;
to reduce-colours
let tempcolor 0
set tempcolor [pcolor] of patch-here
if tempcolor = yellow [set Harable Harable - 1]
if tempcolor = green [set Hpasture Hpasture - 1]
if tempcolor = brown [set Hwood Hwood - 1]
if tempcolor = lime [set Hgarden Hgarden - 1]
if tempcolor = blue [set Hwater Hwater - 1]
if tempcolor = grey [set Hurban Hurban - 1]
if tempcolor = black + 2 [set Hroad Hroad - 1]
;;;;;;;;;;;;; don't allow a turtle to re-visit a cell it has visited recently ;;;;;;;;;;;;;
to swap [original new]
let oldcolor 0
let newcolor 0
ask original [set oldcolor pcolor]
ask new [set newcolor pcolor]
ask original [set pcolor newcolor]
ask new [set pcolor oldcolor]
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; move turtles ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
to move-randomH
ask randomH [pen-down]
ask randomH [right random 360 forward 1]
to move-hedgehog
ask hedgehog[pen-down]
ask patches [set visit visit - 1]
ask hedgehog [
face one-of neighbors with-min [cost]
forward 1]
to move-hedgehog-day ;; if patch is not wood, move to lowest cost cell until you reachwood ask hedgehog [pen-down] ;; ensure hedgehogs reach desired colour before the function finishes ask patches [set visit visit - 1]
ask hedgehog [
ifelse pcolor = brown
[face one-of neighbors with-min [cost]
forward 1]
to move-hedgehog-night ;;if patch is not preferred eating habitat, move to the lowest cost cell until you reach a preferred eating habitat ask hedgehog [pen-down]
ask patches [set visit visit - 1]
ask hedgehog [
if (pcolor = green) or (pcolor = lime) [stop]
ifelse any? neighbors with [pcolor = lime] [
face one-of neighbors with [pcolor = lime]
forward 1][
ifelse any? neighbors with [pcolor = green] [
face one-of neighbors with [pcolor = green]
forward 1][
face one-of neighbors with-min [cost]
forward 1]
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;evaluate the cost of each path taken by a turtle ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
to cost-path ;;ok this is the cost of the path taken by the hedgehogs so far in the model....
ask turtles [
if pcolor = green [set energy energy + 10]
if pcolor = grey [set energy energy + 15]
if pcolor = brown [set energy energy + 1]
if pcolor = lime [set energy energy + 5]
if pcolor = black + 2 [set energy energy + 150]
if pcolor = blue [set energy energy + 300]
ask turtles [
ifelse show-costpaths?
[set label energy]
[set label ""]
;;;;;;;;;;draw the plots for mean path cost for both turtle breeds ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
to do-plots ;;this sets up and runs the plot box in the interface screen. titles need to match EXACTLY in order for it to work.
set-current-plot "Average Total Path Cost for Random and Non-Random Hedgehogs"
set-current-plot-pen "Random Hedgehogs"
plot mean [energy] of randomH
set-current-plot-pen "Non-Random Hedgehogs"
plot mean [energy] of hedgehog
Nice work there
ReplyDeleteI was on the edge of giving my work up on this ****
i try since 2 weeks to find a solution,
ok.....i'm still in school, but this is an important part for one of my exams, so i probably shouldnt give up :P
well, this is the first working program to create habitats, landscapes or however you wanna name them
so what i tried to say is : I'm extremely grateful that there is someone who did this amazing work, thx :D