
Some useful technical information

If the eclipse.ini file needs editing, (to increase memory or 'Java heap space') this can be found easily by going through the eclipse directory in Windows. In Mac OSX, go to eclipse.app, right-click, open package contents, contents, Mac OS, then open the eclipse.ini file in text edit.

JDK and JRE are needed for model development. The Java Runtime Environment is needed to run the java applications, the Java Development Kit is needed to develop java applications.

Subversion needs to use the SVNKit rather than the JavaHL in eclipse. This is true for Windows and Mac OS.
Subversion also brings problems when trying to save the scenario in repast. The projectName.rs folder and the styles sub folders both need to be un-checked as read-only. I've found this problem with both Windows and MacOS. In Windows, a secondary projectName.rs.bak folder is created if saving the scenario encounters this problem. In this case the subfolders and files need to be moved back into the projectName.rs folder and the projectName.rs.bak folder deleted. This doesn't seem to occur in Mac OS.

JOGL and Java3D jar files can be downloaded and installed directly from the repast homepage; http://repast.sourceforge.net/download-extras.html, again this is true for Windows and Mac OS.
Java3D files allow applications with 3D displays to run.
JOGL is Java OpenGL which is a wrapper that allows OpenGL to be used, necessary for repast models to run successfully.

Python plugin for eclipse - need to also download ActiveTcl (currently version 8.5.10 as of Sept 11) to allow use of TKinter.

GeoTools seems to be a set of java open source code library classes which provide standard compliant methods for manipulation of geospatial data. Should allow use of raster files, without converting to .pgm files. Currently testing this as of Sept 11.
There is a website dedicated to the open source files - http://geotools.org/
My current version of eclipse seems to have access to these class files without the need to download anything extra. The geoTools website seems to indicate you need to download and install the GeoTools code into both eclipse and netBeans. Will update when I know more.

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