
Clip polygon layer by another polygon layer

Ok, so I did this once, didn't write it down and then couldn't figure out how to do it again.

I continue to lament on the 'improvements' to arcGIS. Version 10 is not my idea of good software design.
Anyway, I have a number of polygon shape files, that design buffers around existing agricultural areas in the landscape. However, I want to remove the existing urban read from these files to ensure that agricultural expansion cannot override existing landscape features - roads, protected areas, urban centres etc. I don't have the 'erase' tool seeing as this requires the advanced version of arcGIS10.

So what I figured out I need to do is use the 'clip' function, but in reverse; i.e. create a shape file that identifies all the areas outside of protected areas, urban centres, etc and then clip the agricultural files by this 'non' file.

Analysis Tools - Extract - Clip


A bit of a workaround, but this seems the best that arcGIS10 has to offer.

To create the 'non' file, use the Union function:

Analysis Tools - Overlay - Union
select Urban polygon file
select corridor outline shapefile

output file identifies urban areas on top of corridor file
then simply remove the urban areas via the attribute table - select urban polygon and delete from the file. done!

then need to do this again with the corridor designs 1 and 2.

repeat with the urban area - removing existing agricultural areas as well as protected reserves and corridor designs (in separate files).

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